
class FlatBufferBuilder @JvmOverloads constructor(initialSize: Int = 1024, buffer: ReadWriteBuffer = ArrayReadWriteBuffer(initialSize))

Class that helps you build a FlatBuffer. See the section "Use in Kotlin" in the main FlatBuffers documentation.


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constructor(initialSize: Int = 1024, buffer: ReadWriteBuffer = ArrayReadWriteBuffer(initialSize))


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fun add(off: Offset<*>)

Adds on offset, relative to where it will be written.

fun add(off: VectorOffset<*>)
fun add(o: Int, x: VectorOffset<*>, d: Int)
fun add(o: Int, x: Boolean, d: Boolean)
fun add(o: Int, x: Byte, d: Byte)
fun add(o: Int, x: Double, d: Double)
fun add(o: Int, x: Float, d: Float)
fun add(o: Int, x: Int, d: Int)
fun add(o: Int, x: Long, d: Long)
fun add(o: Int, x: Short, d: Short)
fun add(o: Int, x: UByte, d: UByte)
fun add(o: Int, x: UInt, d: UInt)
fun add(o: Int, x: ULong, d: ULong)
fun add(o: Int, x: UShort, d: UShort)

fun add(x: Boolean)

Add a Boolean to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).

fun add(x: Byte)

Add a Byte to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).

fun add(x: Double)

Add a Double to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).

fun add(x: Float)

Add a Float to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).

fun add(x: Int)

Add an Int to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).

fun add(x: Long)

Add a long to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).

fun add(x: Short)

Add a Short to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).

fun add(x: UByte)

Add a UByte to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).

fun add(x: UInt)

Add an Unit to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).

fun add(x: ULong)

Add a ULong to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).

fun add(x: UShort)

Add a UShort to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).

fun add(o: Int, x: Offset<*>, d: Int)

Add an offset to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d.

fun add(o: Int, x: Boolean, d: Boolean?)

Add a Boolean to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Byte, d: Byte?)

Add a Byte to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Double, d: Double?)

Add a Double to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Float, d: Float?)

Add a Float to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Int, d: Int?)

Add a Int to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Long, d: Long?)

Add a Long to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Short, d: Short?)

Add a Short to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: UByte, d: UByte?)

Add a UByte to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: UInt, d: UInt?)

Add a UInt to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: ULong, d: ULong?)

Add a ULong to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: UShort, d: UShort?)

Add a UShort to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

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fun addStruct(vOffset: Int, x: Offset<*>, d: Offset<*>)
fun addStruct(vOffset: Int, x: Int, d: Int)
fun addStruct(vOffset: Int, x: Int, d: Int?)

fun addStruct(vOffset: Int, x: Offset<*>, d: Offset<*>?)

Add a struct to the table. Structs are stored inline, so nothing additional is being added.

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fun clear()

Reset the FlatBufferBuilder by purging all data that it holds.

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fun createByteVector(data: ReadBuffer, from: Int = 0, until: Int = data.limit): VectorOffset<Byte>
fun createByteVector(arr: ByteArray, offset: Int, length: Int): VectorOffset<Byte>

Create a byte array in the buffer.

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Encode the String s in the buffer using UTF-8. If a String with this exact contents has already been serialized using this method, instead simply returns the offset of the existing String.

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Create a vector of sorted by the key tables.

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Create a string in the buffer from an already encoded UTF-8 string in a ByteBuffer.

Encode the CharSequence s in the buffer using UTF-8.

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fun createUnintializedVector(elemSize: Int, numElems: Int, alignment: Int): ReadWriteBuffer

Create a new array/vector and return a ByteBuffer to be filled later. Call endVector after this method to get an offset to the beginning of vector.

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Create a vector of tables.

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Get the ByteBuffer representing the FlatBuffer. Only call this after you've called finish(). The actual data starts at the ByteBuffer's current position, not necessarily at 0.

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fun <T> endTable(): Offset<T>

Finish off writing the object that is under construction.

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Finish off the creation of an array and all its elements. The array must be created with .startVector.

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fun finish(rootTable: Offset<*>)
fun finish(rootTable: Offset<*>, fileIdentifier: String)

Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given root_table.

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fun finished()

Should not be accessing the final buffer before it is finished.

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fun finishSizePrefixed(rootTable: Offset<*>)
fun finishSizePrefixed(rootTable: Offset<*>, fileIdentifier: String)

Finalize a buffer, pointing to the given root_table, with the size prefixed.

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In order to save space, fields that are set to their default value don't get serialized into the buffer. Forcing defaults provides a way to manually disable this optimization.

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Helper function to test if a field is present in the table

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fun nested(obj: Int)

Structures are always stored inline, they need to be created right where they're used. You'll get this assertion failure if you created it elsewhere.

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fun notNested()

Should not be creating any other object, string or vector while an object is being constructed.

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fun offset(): Int

Offset relative to the end of the buffer.

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fun pad(byteSize: Int)

Add zero valued bytes to prepare a new entry to be added.

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fun prep(size: Int, additionalBytes: Int)

Prepare to write an element of size after additional_bytes have been written, e.g. if you write a string, you need to align such the int length field is aligned to com.google.flatbuffers.Int.SIZE_BYTES, and the string data follows it directly. If all you need to do is alignment, additional_bytes will be 0.

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fun put(x: Boolean)

Add a boolean to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor check for space.

fun put(x: Byte)

Add a Byte to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor check for space.

fun put(x: Double)

Add a Double to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor check for space.

fun put(x: Float)

Add a Float to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor check for space.

fun put(x: Int)

Add an Int to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor check for space.

fun put(x: Long)

Add a Long to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor check for space.

fun put(x: Short)

Add a Short to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor check for space.

fun put(x: UByte)

Add a UByte to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor check for space.

fun put(x: UInt)

Add an UInt to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor check for space.

fun put(x: ULong)

Add a ULong to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor check for space.

fun put(x: UShort)

Add a UShort to the buffer, backwards from the current location. Doesn't align nor check for space.

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fun required(table: Offset<*>, field: Int, fileName: String? = null)

Checks that a required field has been set in a given table that has just been constructed.

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fun sizedByteArray(start: Int = space, length: Int = buffer.capacity - space): ByteArray

A utility function to copy and return the ByteBuffer data as a byte[].

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fun slot(vOffset: Int)

Set the current vtable at voffset to the current location in the buffer.

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fun startString(numElems: Int)
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fun startTable(numFields: Int)

Start encoding a new object in the buffer. Users will not usually need to call this directly. The FlatBuffers compiler will generate helper methods that call this method internally.

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fun startVector(elemSize: Int, numElems: Int, alignment: Int)

Start a new array/vector of objects. Users usually will not call this directly. The FlatBuffers compiler will create a start/end method for vector types in generated code.