
fun add(x: Boolean)

Add a Boolean to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).



A Boolean to put into the buffer.

fun add(x: UByte)

Add a UByte to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).



A UByte to put into the buffer.

fun add(x: Byte)

Add a Byte to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).



A Byte to put into the buffer.

fun add(x: UShort)

Add a UShort to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).



A UShort to put into the buffer.

fun add(x: Short)

Add a Short to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).



A Short to put into the buffer.

fun add(x: UInt)

Add an Unit to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).



An Unit to put into the buffer.

fun add(x: Int)

Add an Int to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).



An Int to put into the buffer.

fun add(x: ULong)

Add a ULong to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).



A ULong to put into the buffer.

fun add(x: Long)

Add a long to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).



A long to put into the buffer.

fun add(x: Float)

Add a Float to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).



A Float to put into the buffer.

fun add(x: Double)

Add a Double to the buffer, properly aligned, and grows the buffer (if necessary).



A Double to put into the buffer.

fun add(off: Offset<*>)

Adds on offset, relative to where it will be written.



The offset to add.

fun add(off: VectorOffset<*>)
fun add(o: Int, x: Boolean, d: Boolean)
fun add(o: Int, x: UByte, d: UByte)
fun add(o: Int, x: Byte, d: Byte)
fun add(o: Int, x: UShort, d: UShort)
fun add(o: Int, x: Short, d: Short)
fun add(o: Int, x: UInt, d: UInt)
fun add(o: Int, x: Int, d: Int)
fun add(o: Int, x: ULong, d: ULong)
fun add(o: Int, x: Long, d: Long)
fun add(o: Int, x: Float, d: Float)
fun add(o: Int, x: Double, d: Double)
fun add(o: Int, x: VectorOffset<*>, d: Int)

fun add(o: Int, x: Boolean, d: Boolean?)

Add a Boolean to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: UByte, d: UByte?)

Add a UByte to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Byte, d: Byte?)

Add a Byte to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: UShort, d: UShort?)

Add a UShort to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Short, d: Short?)

Add a Short to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: UInt, d: UInt?)

Add a UInt to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Int, d: Int?)

Add a Int to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: ULong, d: ULong?)

Add a ULong to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Long, d: Long?)

Add a Long to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Float, d: Float?)

Add a Float to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Double, d: Double?)

Add a Double to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.

fun add(o: Int, x: Offset<*>, d: Int)

Add an offset to a table at o into its vtable, with value x and default d.



The index into the vtable.


An offset to put into the buffer, depending on how defaults are handled. If force_defaults is false, compare x against the default value d. If x contains the default value, it can be skipped.


An offset default value to compare against when force_defaults is false.