Package-level declarations
Implements [ReadWriteBuffer]
using ByteArray as backing buffer. Using array of bytes are usually faster than ByteBuffer
This implementation uses Little Endian order.
Class that helps you build a FlatBuffer. See the section "Use in Kotlin" in the main FlatBuffers documentation.
JSONParser class is used to parse a JSON as FlexBuffers. Calling JSONParser.parse fiils output and returns a Reference ready to be used.
Represents an array of offsets. Used to avoid boxing offset types.
Represent a chunk of data, where FlexBuffers will be read from.
Interface to represent a read-write buffers. This interface will be used to access and write FlexBuffer messages.
Represents an generic element in the buffer. It can be specialized into scalar types, using for example, Reference.toInt, or casted into Flexbuffer object types, like Reference.toMap or Reference.toBlob.
Represents any element that has a size property to it, like: Map, Vector and TypedVector.
TypedVector represents an array of scalar elements of the same type in the buffer.
Represents a "pointer" to a vector type with elements T
Reads a FlexBuffer message in ReadBuf and returns Reference to the root element.