Package-level declarations


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class CppArray(ref: Any) : DestructorThread.Destructor
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data class EncodingComplexCase(val booleanField: Boolean = true, val byteField: Byte = 1, val shortField: Short = 2, val intField: Int = 3, val longField: Long = 4, val floatField: Float = 5.0f, val doubleField: Double = 6.0, val charField: Char = 'A', val stringField: String = "Hello", val byteArrayField: ByteArray = byteArrayOf(1, 2, 3), val shortListField: List<Short> = listOf(4, 5, 6), val intSetField: Set<Int> = setOf(7, 8, 9), val longListField: MutableList<Long> = mutableListOf(10L, 11L, 12L), val floatSetField: Set<Float> = setOf(13.0f, 14.0f, 15.0f), val doubleListField: List<Double> = listOf(16.0, 17.0, 18.0), val charListField: MutableList<Char> = mutableListOf('B', 'C', 'D'), val stringSetField: Set<String> = setOf("World", "Kotlin"), val listOfLists: List<List<Int>> = listOf(listOf(1, 2), listOf(3, 4)), val mapOfStringToInt: Map<String, Int> = mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2), val mapOfIntToBoolean: Map<Int, Boolean> = mapOf(1 to true, 2 to false), val setOfSets: Set<Set<Float>> = setOf(setOf(1.0f, 2.0f), setOf(3.0f, 4.0f)), val mutableMapOfStringToList: MutableMap<String, List<Double>> = mutableMapOf("key1" to listOf(1.0, 2.0), "key2" to listOf(3.0, 4.0)), val nestedData: NestedData = NestedData( nestedInt = 99, nestedString = "Nested", innerNestedData = listOf( InnerNestedData( innerValue = 100.0, innerList = listOf("Inner", "List") ) ) ), val mapOfStringToNestedData: Map<String, NestedData> = mapOf("nested" to NestedData( nestedInt = 101, nestedString = "Nested", innerNestedData = listOf( InnerNestedData( innerValue = 102.0, innerList = listOf("Inner", "List") ) ) ), "nested2" to NestedData( nestedInt = 103, nestedString = "Nested", innerNestedData = listOf( InnerNestedData( innerValue = 104.0, innerList = listOf("Inner", "List") ) ) ) ))
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data class EncodingSimpleCase(val mapOfStringToInt: Map<String, Int> = mapOf("one" to 1, "two" to 2, "three" to 3), val arrayOfInt: ArrayList<Int> = arrayListOf(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), val mutableMapOfStringToList: MutableMap<String, List<Double>> = mutableMapOf( "key1" to listOf(1.0, 2.0), "key2" to listOf(3.0, 4.0), "key3" to listOf(5.0, 6.0), "key4" to listOf(7.0, 8.0), ))
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data class EncodingSophisticatedCase(val field: EncodingComplexCase = EncodingComplexCase(), val arrayOfComplex: Array<EncodingComplexCase> = arrayOf(EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase()), val listComplex: List<EncodingComplexCase> = listOf(EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase()), val mapComplex: Map<String, EncodingComplexCase> = mapOf("key1" to EncodingComplexCase(), "key2" to EncodingComplexCase()), val mapOfListComplex: Map<String, List<EncodingComplexCase>> = mapOf("key1" to listOf( EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase() ), "key2" to listOf(EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase())), val mapOfMapComplex: Map<String, Map<String, EncodingComplexCase>> = mapOf("key1" to mapOf("key1" to EncodingComplexCase(), "key2" to EncodingComplexCase()), "key2" to mapOf("key1" to EncodingComplexCase(), "key2" to EncodingComplexCase())), val mapOfMapOfListComplex: Map<String, Map<String, List<EncodingComplexCase>>> = mapOf("key1" to mapOf("key1" to listOf(EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase()), "key2" to listOf( EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase() ), "key3" to listOf(EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase()), "key4" to listOf( EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase() ), "key5" to listOf(EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase()), "key6" to listOf( EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase() ), "key7" to listOf(EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase()), "key8" to listOf( EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase() ), "key9" to listOf(EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase()), "key10" to listOf( EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase() ))), val setComplex: Set<EncodingComplexCase> = setOf(EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase()), val setOfListComplex: Set<List<EncodingComplexCase>> = setOf(listOf(EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase()), listOf( EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase() )), val setOfMapComplex: Set<Map<String, EncodingComplexCase>> = setOf(mapOf("key1" to EncodingComplexCase(), "key2" to EncodingComplexCase()), mapOf("key3" to EncodingComplexCase(), "key4" to EncodingComplexCase())), val setOfSetComplex: Set<Set<EncodingComplexCase>> = setOf(setOf(EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase()), setOf( EncodingComplexCase(), EncodingComplexCase() )))
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actual object FlexBuffer
expect object FlexBuffer
actual object FlexBuffer
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data class InnerNestedData(val innerValue: Double, val innerList: List<String>)
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data class NestedData(val nestedInt: Int, val nestedString: String, val innerNestedData: List<InnerNestedData>)
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interface Network
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fun r(t: Any)
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